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tv   News 5 Today at 6AM  NBC  February 5, 2016 6:00am-7:00am MST

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wee at the intersection of struthers d northgate on the nortsi ocolorado springs. the plows are out th morning. lo week r the lodo springs reets division.. they a one a city-wide full ll-out again. that means more than 4crews
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new ovnit... eblo police caughtp with a man thay ramd two sqd cars ts mornin the incint happenend :30 this morng near the inrson of alking sck" d "vilge gre." offs y th wertrying to ack down department corctions escapee... whotaed ahase. csepped because of speed and ather conditions just got off the phone with pulo pice... they pked up t chase with a white chrysler 300 -ju befo'clock maned to st theon i-25 st southtown. theyrrested-- michae martinez-- wanted byhe departnt of corrections. he was wanteon an escape warrant. today... more than hdred students at falcon high hool wl hear from a dal of
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my retired mter seargent "loy petry" willpeak at a schoolide assemblyhis afternoon. he'll share his story with students... antalk about leadership, friendshipand ingrit his visit mes onehalf of thefalcon high school stude council. whraisesoney for veteans caes. we're trackingroposed changes in monument... at couldake your water bill there -- more expensive. the board of trustees is prosina new ra schedule at could endp doubnghat cuomers ma they tell tve been eping tes tificialow fotoo lo. but the ecomic development corporation warna quick spike in res cld harm buness and commungr. "it's a tougdecision to have to raise ratn any circumstance, but think they can be done in a much smarter way an what's entlbeing propos the economic devment corporation woies th increatafees will depress developmt. e next reguly scheduled "board of trtees meeting"is a wk fr
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ght now... ther an effort underway to stop aroposed land swap involving colorado springs parks anthe broadmoor. city plannerwant tconnt some key tcts of land and right of ways to their parks master plan. it includes parts ofhe incline d landt the p of cheyenne nyon that is sti owned by the broadmoor. the ty has prosed an exchan for 185cres oland at the mouth of eynne canyon. the grouinks the swap is not equitable, even though its a 2 for one swap with the city getng more land. weill ntino llow this oposal as it movesorwa. govern john hickenlooper will ing his tate of the stat meto colorado spring day. he'll speak at the cheyene mountain resort at a luneon hosteed by the "colorado springs reon biness alliance." hicklooper is exed touch onssues affecting e pike peak rion. foinup for you. today... the i-r-s istarting tak
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the agency temporaly stoed wneay because of a computer system failure. the i-r-s sayshe problem's been fixed and is no anticpiatingnother outage. weatheand affic on t 5s. chief morning meteorologist stephen bors is he now wit first alert 5. we had somsnow overnht. that snohas exitedhe i-25 corrid ands ving oveth soheastern plas th morning. it will continue shiftin eastward a out of ar thisorning. thday will grow graduay more sunny. mperatures are in the 20s with teens in the high elevatns. wi chills are in the tns. snow over the southeastern plains thimorng will end from west to east tween am and aas clouds break up ound coloro springand pueblo and temperaturewarm toward 30 degrees. y lingering snowill be ge from the plains by noon. temperatures will warm into the loweand middle 3. exct a sunny afternoon with highs rangg from mid- 30to lower 40s. right now you' takg a live lo at i-25...
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ghnow u're ting a li look at 25... where lorado state patrol will be ccking wn on drunk driving th weekend as we head into superbowl sunday. eyant everyone to enjoy the ga.. but th aresking find a signatver fore t pay gets srted. sohey don't fi andket
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thmayor of denr will be at super bowl fifty in suy california on sunday.. t toda.. the denver boa of ethi wil beiscussing whether or not the city should ve to pay for his trip... mayor michael ncocis sd to be using tax payeroney to y for airfare, lodging, and meals for mself, two staffers, and o security offics. he'll beoined by his family... who pa for their own aiar... supebowl tickets f the group were provided byhe broncos.. hancock's ofce saythe use of city money ipropriate... because e trip fallsn line with t mayors' dies. it's the lt orange friday of the season-- and it's thbest one yet! we're leha60ours to kickoff of super bowl 50. news 5 sports director grant meecisn san frcisco d shows us some big-ticket items football fans can get thr has on. good morning - yesteay we
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moy whenou wt shopng f super bowl merchandise... wee not doing th today... the oposite of that... if you have the meto spend theoney and the wa to we foundhe spot it... the p boutique is located in the nfl perien in san ciand its e rsof it's kind... and it's allerusive stuff.leher couts bag for an 150 dolla.. ets from dollars... thven ma hats for 00 dolls laes clutch for near 5---thousand dollars. this parcur shop isn't for everyo but for that certain segmenofan - they ve that item thasets you apart. "one that haalready be a popular item is our gold guitar. we've soldwo already of those, and it's just ally goo guar that, you know, is once in a lifimis gold itarat ser bl 50." the thing isot of thatff than ticket theame tomorrow mor...
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the tric up and get a last minute dl.... gonna ask peow muchth ry willtope r me in frcisco grmeech neiv thanks gra cong it's go red for won month.... d in youhealy family... we're taking a closer lo at thggest health thrt at women fa. pl.. new details abouthe man accuseof putting thousands of tients at risk for catching deadlyiseaseat a denver-area hospital...
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are coming up after theak.. in today's in today'sr health family... you're going to set peopleearing orangtoday... toupport theenver brons ahead of superbowl sunday... buyou might also see many people wearing r as well! that's bause... the ameran hea assiation has decled today "national ar red day" raise women's awareness of thr heart health.
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--pkg --- men are so good at running nesses andun hoeholds... that sometes... they neglect to do the ts neetoto keep their own bodies running... at's why the american he associatio targeting women in its effort ai areness for heart disease. sot: suzanneba, md lex ll hospital, new york, -16 - :27 "women often put themsels last.. d wh we look at e statistics that heart disease is the number one killer of all won - womeneed to puthemselves first." research has own women arfar likel to call for helphen th believe someon-else- is having heart attack ... than theelves. and recent -a udy from the cleveland clinic found wom are nsiderably more likely than men to let obligns to work family and friends disrupthe excise routine.. nats addition toamilhiy, smokg and diabet... woman's heart disease risk increasewith high ood pressure during pregnancy ... gestational diabetes.... d depression. sot: suzan steinbaum, md lenollospital,ew rk, ny - :56 1:0"walso kthat women sfe
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fold aoften as menand it increases her risk of art seasbys ch as 50%. signs of a heart attack in women can be subtle - andon't always invot pa. other symptoms include shoness of breat.. pain the jawndack.extremtigue. and us. stand- tag: erika edwards - nbws -:1- "rememr - woman's intuition owerl. if you fl mething is o - don't sitate to call 911. erika edward n news weather and traffic on the 5s. chief morning meteorologt stephen bowe is here now wit firsalert 5. we had some snow ornight. th snow has exed the i-25 corridor and isovinover the southeastern pinthis rning. will continuehifting ea and out of r this morning. thday will grow gradually re sunny. temperatures are in the 20s with teens in the high elevatns
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snow over the southeastern plains this morning will end from west to east beeen 7 am and aaslouds break up around colorado rings d toward 30 degrees. y erg ow will be gone from the plains by on. temperatures will warm into e lower and middle 30s. exct a sunny aftnoon wh highs raing from mid30s wer 40s. in this morning's health watch... new information.
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in this morng'health watch... new information... about thcriminal investigation at a majorospital in colorado. we've leard that "roy allen".. a foer surcal tech at swedh medical ce... is accus of stealing drugs from the hospital. according to state rds, allen allegedly moved a ringe from a work space and reaced it with anoer syrie. swedish could not confirm e contents of that replacement syring.. t nearly 3-thousand people who had suery at the hostal are ing ld to get ed for h-i-v, as well as hepatitis b and c. again... at this time. there is no evidence of any fection among patients. a fedel vestation reals a v-clinicn colorado rings... reported incorrect wtimes. investigors say the floy lindstm outpatient clinic
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actually receiveappointments soonerhan they realldid. it's not clear whether the records were deliberatel falsified to make the inic performance look better th it was. ar 500 appointments from -115 were reviewed. th morng-- news 5 vestigates how tdsf service members and civilian contractorulface debilitating respiratory problems... after being exposed to possibly toxic smoke from burn pits. in this video you n see a notoriouburn pits in iraq. this was one odons of ts --- contraed out by the departme of defensto destroy all kinds of waste... from vehics parts, to dical waste, batteries, tires and ammunition. but just as researchers e drawing a connecti between burn pit expure and rare lun sease... we uncovered.... congress has cutunding to study for016. richard vanhorn, army vet exposed to burn pits "you feel kind of expendable," veronica landry, contracr posed to burn pits "right at
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hospitce with my lgs cotely failing me, i mean in fuldisclosure, land you justaw is a former koaa employee... e to leave her job here becaofhese medical issues related to her timas a ntractor in iraq neaburn pits. as forongressional legation: representative doug lamborn id he was puzed atohy burn pi were removed from research rams. senator michael bennet's office said iwould look into it. we haven't heard from senator cory gardner's oice. for the full iestigation, go to our websiteoaa dot com... and searurpits. coming up... a strange and slippe t kicks ofhe carnival season down in new orleans... we'll havehe latest from the big easy thimorning... and t'take live lo in do sgs thers h snow on e ground... anif you'rjust wakg up.. 's goibe aic morning... wetracng iall for on this fst alert five weatr.
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re's a live look from e stetof new oea this morning... where the od times are alrdy rollin mardiras ason in the escent cit.. always a wd ti dow cajun country... to kick off thbicarnival weekend new orlns aheadf mardi gras... today...
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e 46th annual event ll be hosted by actor "bryan bt". as part tradtion... battnd seral "local ladies" ll oil the ral son hotebalcony supporpoles.mardi gras ionly four ys away... on februarnint t those whget a little too wild at mardi gr.. may end up here... it's callethe ookius"... anstarng tod... it will be patrolling around t festivies! it's basically a full jailhouse boing room on wheels! officersake anyone who gs arrested on boar.. where they will be phographed, fingerprinted, and given the opportunity to post bo on te! officials say the mobile station s time and kee oicers on the streets where ey are needed most duri ts busy time. caughtn camera --- an inmate in kennewick, shingt capes from police acourthouse! the tive maned to get away from officers without
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and thsed his clhes to hi his hdcuffs! he even ditched his orange prison ippersnd ran boot out the frt door othe courthouse. luckily poce caught up with him about the miles away... this is the second time the inma has escap from poce stody! weather and afc t 5 chief morning teorologist ephen werss owith first aler5. we home snow overnight that snow haexited the5 coidor anisiner the southeas plains th mornin wl ntinue shifting eastrd and out of our area this morng. thday will grow gradually mo sunny. mpatures are ithe s with tes in t high elevatio. wind illsre in the teens. sn over thsoutheastern plains thimorning will end from west to east betwee7 am and 10 a cs eak aroundorado rings and pueblo and tperatures warm toward 30 degrees. any liering snow will be ge from the plains by
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temperatures will rm into e lower and middle 30s. expect sunny aernoon with
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weome backt 6:30. it's a firstlert weath day... d we're tracking school deys you... of your screen.. and at ka dot com.. now, we want to head out to news colroado spring joanna-- tough conditis again this morning! od mning... ifou'rheaded out for you morning mmute. expe a msy one we'rathe intersection of struerand northge the
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the plows are out this morning. a long week for e colora springs streets division... they are one citwide full call-outgain thateans morth 40 crews are making the rounds. they are focusing on primary and secondars. last night sw won't help the theyre focinon primary and secondary ad last night'snow wot lp the issue at schools in district 49... erhu snow drifts are ill all over campuses!
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parents are concerned about e drifts at are seval feet gh.. and other piles w.... as children are having trouble walking to schood geing in andut of cars. because of all the snow,ids can't be droppedff or picked up on thstreet like normal... and some parents say it's not just an innvennce, but cou be a safety concern. melinda mother of 6th grader i st think tare going to be very wet and uncomfortable, it's making car pool little bit backed up because more people are using it, instead of parking on the road. eddie taylor, parent "i don't kw if they could have donenything better, my undending is therked all ugthe nighto g thi done : thscho distrt sayshey did athey could. but othe res say they hope d-49 ces in and cles out ev me the ow. a former colorado springs high school tcher admits to having an inappropriate laonship with 17-year-old stent.
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chriopher brett rkham ead guil to xualssault on a child by a person in a position of trust. e relationship occurred while mahuwas an english teacher at vista rid high school. was wking in the library at stetson hills emenry wn he wasrrested last m.. seencing is set for april 24. shifting gears now.. a colorado springs womanill going to prison for ree years... aftepleadi guilty to "child abussulting inious bodily injury" "mayra juarez-martinez" wa arrested last year along with another spect. thtoddr s shed to the hospital, after police s ty found him unsponsive. instigators found hiinjues to be suspicious died sevel days lat. weather d traffic on the 5 chief morning meteologist stephewers is re now with first alert we had some ow overn. thatnow has exited the i-25 corridor and is moving over th
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morning. it will continue shiftg eastward and out of our area thisorning. the day ll grow gradually more sunny. tempates a in e 20s with teens in the high elatns. nd chills arin theeens. snowver the southeastern plai tmorning ll fr westo east between 7 am and 10 am as clobreaup arndolado springs and pueblo and tempetures rm toward 30 degrees. any lingering snowill be gon from the plains byoon. tempatures wilwarm into the lower and middle 30s. expect a sunny afterno with ghs rangg from mid30s to
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,,,,,,,,,, ,, t's ta you outo the wecoast... th is franciscright w. home othe pebowl cy... the big game happens just one town over santara on sund per bowl weekend is just
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get set to take on the carolina pantrs. die-hard b fans across the state are planineir supel parts... but one man in pueblo. matake the cak! the rtatclub o" -- als knn as anthonytero's basement -- is goin have a liveand, broncoemed music for whe thmusicianare king a bre -- and nrly everkind of broncoparaphernalia you've ever seen, and some that you haven't. buall this i't just for the super bowl -- at otero's h, there's a broncos partevery we heays for it all by savingp at h job as a water hauler. i'm yellg t my truck, go brons!o, go bronco i g dressed up in my gear and i go t the and deliver water, i'm having fun with it. his love of team doesn't rub f on erye, thoug-- his neighbortell me thpartie are morehan a nuisan, th extra loud musnd a rowdy crowd. but for the sur bowl, o and his friends sath just
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call family -- and to top it of sunday is also otero's birthday lcome ba.. right no.. fans allver colorado are aring to wah the denver bncosn the surbowl! and in pueblo. e elemtary sool isls gearing up for the big me... but first -- "a name change" is order!! so please celeate th me the beulah heights broncos! yeerday at an assely. thprincipal read an ficial proclamation changing the scol mcoto the bro fans,hey y they can't
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ange to blue and orange. it's really fun cause these are the thgs kids are going to member ande have to work hard on ading and writing and math and we do that yday but ct that they allows to have some fun thome stuff once in awhile, think it ally makeshe kids wanto come to school and le i said, those are the things ks are g to rber the school plans on eping this na chae through super wlunday... before boming thpanthe agn on monday. coming up... two poce officers are ambushed in a shooting overnight.. he details on the conditns... and what lead up to e atck... plus.... a neinvention making history on the golf course.. the nely impossible feat it pulleofin arina..
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welcome ba... th morng... two new york city police cersre bei treat at the hospital after were shot and wounded in the brx st night.
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ficers were on patrol in a public using complex en they were confronted by armed man who shot the one officer was hit in the face, the other in the abd. accoing to police... the suect fled the sce and r ot and killed himself. e coof the offics is unknown. in your eltion watch this morning.. democratic presidential hofuls hillary clinton and bernie sandwent head toead in debate one last ti beforthe new hampshire primary. in the latest nbc ne pl,saeading clinton among kely democtic voters. theideba repsed an argunt betweenhe two about ether clinton should be consider a pgressive. is is e firstime clinton and sanders have debated - without former candidate martin o'who suended hi caaign aer t iowa caucuses. the ited stateisledgg to do 8illion dollars thi sya... secretary state "john kerry" made this unceme yesterday in londo... amica's contribution will help
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shelter and jobs for refugs from at yterday's meeti... in tal... leers from around e world pledged mo than ten- billiodollar humanarn aid. this mning... od newfor flint miigan... e amouf adn e ci's water su... is starting to decase! thiss according to the p-a... that annnced samplinf water lters the affecte hos show the filters are actually working. the e-p-a says they will inue to weekly testin.. until they solve the watercris. weathed traffion the 5s. chief moing meteorogist stepbowerss he now wit first alert 5. we had se snow oveight. that snow has exited the i-25 coidor and is movg over the southeternlains th rnin it wl continue shifting strd and o of our ea th morni. the day willrow gradllmore suy. temperatures are in the 20s with
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wind chills are in t tns. snowver southeastern plains ts moing will end from west to east tween 7 am and 10 am as clouds break up around colado spris and pueb and temperatuwarm towa 30 degrees. any linging snow will be gone fromlains by nn. temperat wl warm intthe r and midd 30s. expe a sunny afteron with his ranging from mid- 30s
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,,,,,,,,,,,, ecth o. "l-drick" the robot golfer made history on wednesday ent hit a hole in one. ldric stands for lnch directiol robot inlligent circuitry. the robot is owned by foer pro golfer gary mccord it was playing the th hole at tsdale whey making shot was but in the spirit of full disclosure, th was eldrick's fih attempt, it'still a hole in one. eldrick also happens to be the birtname opro golfer tig
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we wilbe rightack wi other live look of the road conditionsn colorado spris... plus. we'vbeenhowing you lots of super wlrediionshis week now weant to sw u the only one that really maers... cuz en it comes to pdicting things, we have a secret weon.. and is ppies. owd cheers. that's rig." ick around f the puppy prediction.. u don't want to miss it.'satt laue.. wi a look at wt's coming thisorng...
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one lastime this morning.. there are some school delays on this first alert weatherda ey are scrolling at the bottom of your screen...
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be found at aa dot com.. now, we want to he out to news 5's joanna wise -- live in on the streetof colroado spring- joanna wha morning? goorning... ifou're headed out for you rning commute... ct aessy o we'rat the intersection of sters annorthgate the north side of colorado springs. springs streetdion. they are one a city-wide full call-out again. that means more than 40 crews are making the rounds. th focusing primary and secondar weather and traffic on the 5 chief moing meteorist sthen bowers is here n with firsalert wead somowrnight that snohas exed i-25 coidornd is moving over th southeastern plains this rning. it will continue shifting eawa and out of our area is morning.
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tempatures in the 20s with tes in t hh evations. his e tns. snow over the southeastern plains thimoing will end from west to east tween 7 am and 10 am clouds breaup around corado spngs d pueblo and temperatures warm toward 30 degrees. any lingering snow will be gone fr the plains by noon. temperures will rmnto the loweand middle 30s. pect a sun afternoon w highs ranging fromid- 30s to lower 40s. "readylet's asthe puppies. finally this mning...
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eady! let'release the puppies. finally this morning jimmy fallon ud a parade of puppies on the tight sw thursday to prict the winn of this weekend's super bowl. this time the ps cse between bowls of food marked panths whichever bowl got the m puppies would be t wning team. the little guys flocked to the denverroncosow predictin ytonanning a his team will be victorious this sunday. fallon has brought outhe pack of puppies- to guess the winners of sporting event before, from t ktucky rby to t ncaa championship. stay connected with k-o-a-a dot
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we'll be back with yr local newstraffic d ather dung
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good good morning. winter blast. a and severe storm bringing sno ice and raifrom all the way to mae. schools cled. flights grounded. a mess for commuters. rubio rising. our nepo shows marco rubio second plbendond trp ew hhire. ataud hillarclinton to lash out at bernie sanders during last night's dete >> eugis enough. if you've g somethingo say, say directly. > and goen gam super bowl 5two days away. the security, unecedted. the ancipation, reaching a ver tch.
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trying tget in tpit. >> we definitely are beautiful, okay? > america gets ready for some ba today, friday, februa 5th, 2016. >>nnou >> announcerfrom nbc news, this is "today" wi matlaue d sann, live studio 1a in rockefeller pla. > good mning, everyone. welce to "today" oa friday mornin yesterday morning, we were standingut there, no coats. >> yesterday it was wa. >> nice. >>l roker said, change was comi. >>hat's righ if this were a football pl take the snap and hand the ball to al. >> thanks so much, guys. we told you, if the system makes its way a little closer, in fact, we wou s sw --ore sn makin itsay alonghe eastern abrd take aook. portsmouth portsmth, nehashire, huntington, new rk, here i
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the eascot.
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